| Dr. Manrit Kaur TakharDr. Manrit Kaur Takhar is a Psychiatrist in Calgary. She completed her medical degree at University of Manitoba, moving out to Calgary for residency which she completed in 2014. She works primarily at Peter Lougheed Centre as an inpatient and emergency psychiatrist. She also does a bit of outpatient work with North East Mental Health Clinic. Her special interests include Emergency Psychiatry, Cultural Psychiatry, Physician Wellness and Psychodynamic Therapy. She has a passion for teaching and has won teaching awards from the University of Calgary as an Assistant Clinical Professor. She regularly takes on residents and medical students. She is the site coordinator for clinical clerks at PLC for psychiatry. She has several leadership roles given her passion for advocacy. She was instrumental in building PLC Mental Health Day Hospital. She continues to be Clinical Medical Director of General Psychiatric units at PLC. She is the Alberta Medical Association Representative Forum rep for general psychiatry. Also, she is the President of Federation of Medical Women Of Canada Calgary Chapter and the co-president of the PLC Medical Staff Association.