SANP Bear Pit Session (breakfast included) (SANP members and non-members are welcome to attend)
Day 2 Welcome
Lymphocytosis - Sarah Nadeau, NP, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
Beyond the Guidelines: Practical Tips for Antidepressant Drug Therapy- Amy Soubolsky, BSP, MSc(Pharm), RxFiles Academic Detailing
Migraine Matters: A Case-based Approach for Primary Care, Updates on Acute Treatment- Dr. Christopher Voll, Clinical Prof. of Neurology, University of Saskatchewan, Director of Stroke Prevention Clinic (sponsored by Pfizer)
SANP respectfully acknowledges that our offices and members reside on Treaty 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 territories and the traditional homelands of the Métis. These treaties serve to govern our relationship with Indigenous people. We recognize the enduring presence and resilience of Indigenous peoples on this land, and we commit to working towards reconciliation and building respectful relationships with Indigenous communities. We pay respect to the keepers of the land and the land itself.